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 GasConsulting LLC


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GasConsulting LLC. Our news.



GasConsulting LLC finished optimisation of TEG Dehydration unit at Vankor field, Eastern Siberia


GasConsulting LLC together with partner company JSC "NII PNG" have finished optimisation of TEG Dehydration unit at Vankor field, Eastern Siberia.


In two previous year TEG Dehydration unit wasn't able to reach its target performance. In two months appropriate solution was developed. After implementation of suggested change in technological scheme, the water dew point for dryed gas dropped from -13...-19С to -27...-30 С which was the initial project target.  



A new technology to make EURO 5 car gasoline from straight run naphta and methanol


GasConsulting LLC will continue to test its own newly developed technology which will allow small and middle sized refineries to make EURO 5 car gasoline from straight run naphta and methanol. This technology was specially designed for use in cold climate regions like Northern Canada, Yamal or Eastern Siberia.


Our new offer for Oil & Gas processing plants


Starting from September 2015 we have a new offer to our customers at Oil and Gas processing plants. Now they can order custom made simulation models for their processing units. These models made with Aspen HYSIS simulation sofware could be used in many ways including training of engineering personnel and for debottlenecking the process. Please, take a look at our Solutions page.  



GasConsulting LLC filed for a patent for new natural gas processing technology

GasConsulting LLC filed for a patent for unique technology for NG/APG processing (deep recovery of C2+/C3+)


Designed technology by its technical and economical features stays alongside with the Technip's DCP and UOP's SRC technologies but costs are lower up to 15%.

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